Architectural and construction services
Design bureau BALTS UN MELNS has been successfully working in the field of architecture and construction design since 2004. The bureau is entered in the Register of Construction Merchants of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Latvia and has the right to engage in architectural and construction design.
Our mission: in accordance with the requirements of the customer and the regulatory acts of the Republic of Latvia, prepare high-quality project documentation within the specified time and agreed volume.
The main activities of BALTS UN MELNS are architectural and building design, assessment of the technical condition of buildings and consulting. We also carry out project management of engineering networks, develop detailed plans and provide architectural supervision during the implementation of construction projects.
With many years of experience in the industry, the company offers its customers the following services:
Building insulation
Since 2009, when co-financing from EU funds for energy efficiency of multi-family buildings became available, we have developed more than 200 projects in this area.
Construction documentation for building insulation includes:
– energy audit;
– conclusion based on the results of the technical inspection of the building;
– graphic solutions for the facade, roofs and other structures repair, including facade painting solutions;
– detailed development of structural units (heat supply, cold and hot water, ventilation, power supply);
– construction costs estimate.
Properly developed design and cost-estimate documentation with a high degree of detail based on an accurate survey of the building and its structures help eliminate problems during construction work and stay within the estimated cost of construction!
Building constructions
In accordance with the architectural plans, we carry out the design of the building structures. We guarantee the quality of our solutions as our team of civil engineers employs knowledgeable and experienced professionals. In our projects, we use both proven and new technologies that guarantee safe and economical construction flow. As a part of construction projects, we develop drawings of building structures both for the new buildings and for the reconstruction, renovation and conservation and strengthening the preserved structures.
We prepare calculations for all types of:
– metal structures;
– prefabricated and monolithic reinforced concrete structures;
– wooden structures;
– panel structures CLT and SIP;
– stone structures;
– glass structures;
– plastic structures.
All structures are drafted in a 3D environment with a level of detailing that complies with the professional standards of the “Requirements for the content and design of a construction project” from Latvian Structural Planners Association (LBPA).
We cooperate with customers from the state and municipal sector, as well as with private clients.
In accordance with the prepared building solutions, we carry out architectural supervision during construction.
Technical networks
We develop the following sections of projects for external and internal engineering networks of buildings:
– heating;
– climate control system;
– ventilation;
– smoke removal;
– drainage engineering networks;
– power supplies (internal);
– power supplies (external)
– electronic communication systems;
– centralized warning systems;
– smoke protection;
– access control;
– security alarms;
– engineering networks for electronic communication;
– control and automatic systems;
– electronic communication systems (external);
– rain sewer networks;
– heat supply (external);
– thermal mechanics;
– fire-fighting automation systems;
– fire alarms and warning systems;
– water supply and sewerage (internal);
– water supply and sewerage (external);
– gutters.
Drawings of engineering networks are developed in a 3D environment. We ensure the compatibility of all engineering networks with each other and with the architectural and construction solutions.
Residential buildings
We design both individual family residential buildings on an individual order, as well as multi-apartment buildings for two apartments and more. We also redesign and rebuild existing residential buildings as well as apartments.
We develop all necessary parts and sections of construction projects, including:
– architectural solutions;
– building constructions;
– internal and external engineering networks;
– fire safety and energy efficiency solutions;
– work organization plans.
We also prepare consolidated financial and construction work volume documents and cost-estimates.
Design work is carried out in a 3D environment, ensuring the compatibility of interconnected parts and sections of a construction project. For 3D environment, BIM requirements are met with a preliminary definition of stages and levels of detail.
Public buildings
Our specialists have extensive experience in designing various public buildings in all regions of Latvia. We work with construction projects for new buildings, as well as with projects for the renovation and reconstruction of existing buildings.
We develop all necessary parts and sections of construction projects, including:
– architectural solutions;
– building constructions;
– internal and external engineering networks;
– fire safety and energy efficiency solutions;
– work organization projects. We draw up summaries of the economic part, the volume of construction work and the cost of construction.
We also prepare consolidated documents on financial calculations, volumes of construction work and construction costs.
Design work is carried out in a 3D environment, ensuring the compatibility of interconnected parts and sections of a construction project. Designs in a 3D environment meet BIM requirements with a preliminary definition of stages and levels of detail.
Industrial buildings
In cooperation with leading Latvian manufacturing companies, we have accumulated extensive experience in the design of industrial buildings.
We develop construction projects for the new buildings, as well as projects for the renovation and reconstruction of existing buildings.
We cover all parts and sections of construction projects, including:
– architectural solutions;
– building constructions;
– internal and external engineering networks;
– fire safety and energy efficiency solutions;
– work organization projects. We draw up a summary of the economic part, the volume of construction work and the cost of construction or estimates.
We also consolidate documents on financial calculations, construction volumes and costs.
The designs are created in 3D environment, ensuring the compatibility of interconnected parts and sections of a construction project. Our designs in 3D environment meet all BIM requirements with preliminary definition of stages and levels of detail.
Technical survey
We carry out technical surveys of various types of buildings in order to determine the condition of the entire building or its parts, building structures and engineering networks. According to the results of the survey, a conclusion of the technical inspection is drawn up.
During the technical inspection, a general visual inspection of the building is carried out; visible damage and defects in the building structures or engineering networks are recorded, described in detail in the technical inspection report and reflected in the graphic materials attached to the technical report on the results of the inspection.
During the technical inspection, photographic fixation of damages and structural defects is made and attached with the comments to the conclusion of the technical inspection.
Structural exposures, excavations, structural surveys and other works are carried out depending on the specifics of the building. Geodetic drawings and other related documentation is prepared if necessary.
In accordance with the characteristics of the building, the structures are tested using non-destructive methods to obtain data on the quality, identified defects and compliance of structures with regulatory documents.
With the help of high-precision instruments, measurements of building facades, ceilings and other structures are made to determine the deformations of the building or its structures, deviations from vertical or horizontal axes. Based on the data obtained, corresponding drawings are made showing the deformations and deviations.
Using the Schmidt hammer and ultrasonic pulse method, reinforced concrete elements are tested for the strength of concrete. With the help of the reinforcement detector, the placement of reinforcement in reinforced concrete elements, the thickness of the concrete protective layer and the diameter of the reinforcement are checked.
Concrete cylinders are taken as samples from the reinforced concrete structural elements of the building and tested for strength in laboratory compression tests.
The corrosion of the protective layer of reinforcement and reinforced concrete elements is determined by sclerometry using an electromagnetic profometer.
On welded steel elements, protective seams are cleaned and rust is removed, after which the seams are examined by magnetic particle flaw detection.
Samples of steel elements are cut and tested for strength in the laboratory by tensile testing to determine the grade of steel. The chemical composition of cut steel samples is determined by the spectral method using an analyzer in argon.
According to the results of the technical survey, calculations are carried out to determine the bearing capacity of structures in order to check their compliance with regulatory documents. The calculations are given in the appendix to the results of technical inspection.
To assess the deformation of building structures, instrumental observations and monitoring of the development of cracks are carried out, as well as control of shrinkage of the building by performing high-precision geodetic leveling.
The engineering communications of the buildings are also examined and their technical deterioration is determined.
The results of the technical inspection are summarized in the conclusion on the technical wear and tear of building structures. The conclusion also contains recommendations on measures for further safe operation and durability of the construction object.
Building measurements
We carry out high-precision measurments of buildings and their parts, preparing an overview model of the object in 3D format, from which you can also get overview drawings in 2D format.
First, a laser scan of the building and its structures is performed. The point cloud obtained as a result of laser scanning contains information about the location of the object connected to the LKS92 TM and LAS-2000.5 systems.
On the basis of the point cloud data obtained by laser scanning, drawings of the object and its structures are drawn up in 3D format, or a 3D model, which serves as the basis for further design.
Instead of laser scanning, a drone equipped with a high-resolution camera is used to obtain a detailed point cloud of an object. The resulting images are processed by the Bentley ContextCapture reality simulation software. In the process of processing, aerial triangulation is performed by determining the relative position and orientation of images and binding to coordinate reference points. The accuracy of the resulting model relative to natural reference points is estimated within 3 centimeters.
Examination of construction projects
We carry out the examination of construction projects from the third parties, as well as the examination of any other construction project in accordance with the customer’s assignment. Our specialists are certified in various relevant areas of building expertise.
We carry out examinations of building structures, as well as all other parts of a building, including fire safety solutions.
During the examination, a professional assessment of the construction project is carried out checking the compliance with regulations and technical requirements.
We develop and coordinate detailed plans for the municipal territories to determine the requirements for the use of specific land plots and building parameters, as well as to clarify the boundaries and restrictions of land plots.
The need for a detailed plan and the degree of detailing, taking into account the aspects of development, is determined in the assignment prepared by local authorities. The development of a detailed plan to a certain extent can be combined with building Project developments, providing public discussion in accordance with regulations.
The detailed plan is implemented in accordance with the administrative agreement concluded between the local authorities and the developer of the detailed plan.